Thursday, June 12, 2008

Father's Day

My hubby and I start planning food for special occasions far in advance. Our gatherings always center around food and what we can try this time that we haven’t tried before. We have probably tried a million different rubs for ribs and pork butts and we really can’t remember which rub was the best! Maybe one day we will settle on one and market that rub! He has been planning on how he can fill his smoker to capacity on Father’s Day. He has done that plus some. My hubby is very meticulous when it comes to “his menu” and plans it out to the very second. He spent 2 hours on the computer last night finalizing his menu, making his grocery list, where we need to go to purchase certain items, and then the long drawn out timeline of how everything will go down. Can we say OCD anyone??? My hubby and his brother-in-law (Danny) have a thing going on as to who can smoke the best food. They get a little crazy at times but the food is always delicious! As my hubby is planning his menu, he finds out that Danny is smoking one of the same items, Smoked Jalapenos. So, time will tell who has the best Stuffed Jalapenos.

Our menu for Father’s Day

Lunch with my Dad includes Roasted Bone-in Pork Loin with Bourbon Glaze and Apple Chutney, Roasted Green Beans, and Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes. Lunch will be topped off with a Key Lime Cheesecake. My dad could eat an entire cheesecake by himself so I think I’m going to throw him for a loop and make a key lime cheesecake. This will be my first attempt at key lime cheesecake. I pride myself in making my New York style cheesecake, so hopefully I will have another to add to my cheesecake repertoire.

On the menu for dinner with hubby’s Dad is Smoked Baby Back Ribs, Smoked Chicken, Smoked Jalapenos, Smoked Fatty (I’m not really sure how to correctly title this dish), and Pig Candy. I haven’t completely decided on what sides we will be having yet. I guess I better get on it. I’m sure my FIL will be wondering where his cheesecake is, so I’m sure I can whip up another one on his request.

Now, for my hubby’s Father’s Day dinner, we will be having a nice, quiet dinner with Miss Bug on Saturday night. He has requested I cook the “chicken dish.” This is absolutely his favorite meal of all time. It has his 4 favorite ingredients: chicken, garlic, bacon, and potatoes. What more could a man want???

Recipes to follow soon!


Anonymous said...

The chicken dish?? If this is a casserole, I must have this. :)


Little Red's Momma said...

Seriously? My hubby needs to take lessons from yours. I'm impressed!!