Friday, March 27, 2009


I know it’s been a long time since the last post. I have a ton of recipes to post. Hopefully I’ll get to those soon.

I was reading over the April copy of Real Simple and thought about posting some tips as well as recipes. Here are a few tips from this months copy. I’m sure I will post some more tips because I just love this magazine for that reason.

Streamline Your Food Storage

1. Group items in your refrigerator by type, labeling shelves so family members know where items belong. When it’s time to shop, you can clearly see what you need
2. Keep leftovers fresh as long as possible by storing them in clear, stackable containers labeled with their contents and “good until” date.
3. Base your grocery list on what’s in the fridge: take inventory of leftovers or food that’s about to expire and plan up coming meals around them.

Shop Your Refrigerator

• Hamburger/hot dog buns: Make croutons by cutting bread into cubes. Drizzle lightly with butter, salt, and dried herbs, then heat for 15 minutes at 375ยบ F, turning once.
• Eggs: Hard boil extra eggs and refrigerate for up to seven days. Serve for breakfast or make egg salad sandwiches for lunch.
• Ground beef: Cook and freeze for later. Use as taco filling or add to your favorite pasta sauce.
• Vegetables: Simmer in a pot with chicken broth, rice, beans, and seasoning until vegetables are soft. Serve as soup for dinner or freeze for later.